Friday, 11 November 2011

Quiz 1

Tomorrow will be Quiz 1. Basically, we have to prepare with our research problem consists of problem statement, research question, significance of the research and etc.

To recap, i attached here some notes for revision.
With permission from Dr. Aziah, the lessons of week as follows:

Research is the formal systematic application of the scientific and disciplined inquiry approach to the study of problems.

The purpose of scientific research:

To Describe - describe the shape, colour, change over time, relation to other constructs and so on..
To Predict - given what is known the scientist attempts to predict what might happen..
To Control - by manipulating certain variables the scientist is interested in determining whether it will lead to controlling a particular condition.
To Explain in the form of a Theory - ultimately the scientist is interested in forming a theory to explain the phenomena being investigated. 

An educational research is...

  • A systematic, and organized effort to investigate and provide trustworthy information about educational problems, issues and topic

4 key steps involved in scientific method of problem solving :

Step 1: Developing the problem (define and delimiting)
Identify constructs, independent variable, dependent variable.

This is my problem statement:
There is no research done on examining the perceptions of  teachers towards QM in primary schools in Shah Alam. This study will fill this research gap. By applying organizational commitment theory in education, this study regards teachers as service provider to the customer; students and parents.
Constructs : Quality Management and Teachers' Commitment
Independent Variable: Perception Of TQM
Dependent Variable : Level of Commitment

Step 2: Formulating the hypothesis
Hypothesis is the anticipated result of your research and is usually based on previous research. Hypotheses must be testable and your study should be planned in a way that allows you to support or refute your hypotheses.
Is there any relationship between teachers' perception of TQM in school and their organizational commitment?

Step 3: Gathering the data
You need to collect data to support or refute your hypotheses. Collecting data is part of your experimental design. Select appropriate data collecting methods and to avoid measurement errors.
During this stage, maximize internal and external validity.

I am using quantitative method to collect data. Sample will be at least 30 teachers of a primary school near Shah Alam.

Step 4: Analyzing and interpreting results
Decide what type of analysis to perform, then later making sense of the figures the machine spews out!
At this stage, you begin to examine the extent to which your data supports or refutes your experimental hypotheses.

Phew!! Let me stop here. To be continued. All the best for the quiz tomorrow!!!

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